How to spray tan mature skin
Clients 50 and over present spray tan professionals with special challenges. Older skin tends to be dryer: it also has more imperfections, such as broken capillary veins, stretch marks, age spots and varicose veins.
Key to success is exfoliation. That’s why you’ll need to tell your client to take extra care to remove all dry skin prior to the actual spray tan session. Mature skin tends to have many more dry areas than younger skin, especially on arms and legs.
These patches sometimes manifest as scaly bits a client can actually feel. And sometimes they look like big freckles. In some cases, they are invisible and only become obvious after sun exposure or a spray tan.
For best results, a client can use an exfoliating agent like our Sea Salt Scrub, alone or in tandem with a scrub mitt, making sure to also moisturize thoroughly after every session. He or she may want to take a few days to a week to prepare, especially if exfoliation is not routine.
The more prepared skin is, the better. A spray tan, which should always be lighter rather than darker on mature skin, will go on evenly and last longer. Best of all, it will camouflage most skin issues and give your client an age-defying radiance.
New Gorgeous is good for all skin types, from youthful to mature. That’s because only the finest vegan ingredients go into our spray tan solutions and skin care products. So what are you waiting for? For a more golden future, contact us today!